Beginning Readers Develop a Prodigious Vocabulary!
With parental help, young children who can barely print their name may start building a prodigious vocabulary. As children's vocabulary enlarges, the synapses of their brains expand. Thus, students will actually grow smarter and be on track to realize the full measure of their mental ability. The two POW volumes together cover virtually every monosyllabic word in the dictionary. Besides building vocabulary, the exercises also help children begin to read and learn to spell.
Play Onwards Vol. 1, with 279 pages and hundreds of sentences, is an audible, interactive, fill-in-the-blanks PDF workbook. Each sentence, including the missing word, which is written in "invisible ink," is heard when clicked on. And for each missing letter there's a corresponding blank space, making these exercises doable even for rank beginners. The audible feature is almost like parents talking to their children face to face.